
The Craft Café will be the focal point for our Craft activities. It’s a central area where you can go for a cuppa and a chat, with a range of craft opportunities happening throughout the day.

Craft activities will include:

  • Quilling workshop
  • Dorset Buttons
  • Weaving
  • Mosaics
  • Encaustic Wax Painting
  • Iris Cards
  • Jewellery Making (earrings, necklaces or bracelets)
  • Paper Folding (Hedgehog model)
  • Teabag Folding
  • Corn Dollies
  • Giant Dorset Button
  • Fabric Beads
  • Sock Puppets
  • Lantern Making
  • Recycling ties
  • Jingle Sticks and Junk Instruments
  • Indoor Kite Making and Flying

The Craft Café will be home to our popular ‘Knit and Natter’ session as well as the Clean Craft Gather.

We will also have taster sessions here so that anyone visiting the café can see what is happening and – maybe – have a go themselves.

There may be a small additional charge for a few of the workshops to cover the cost of materials provided.