Make your booking
Secure your place at the Folk Group Spring Festival
The price per adult is £25 per night including camping, with a maximum of £100 for the whole event. This covers camping for the weekend and entry to all workshops, sessions and dances. *
We will accept online payment by credit or debit card (preferred), as well as taking payment by BACS transfer or by cheque.
You must be a member of the Camping and Caravanning Club to camp at this event.
All children and youths under the age of 18 and all CCY members can camp and attend the Festival for free. **
Most people will camp for the weekend, but there is a small reduction in fees for anyone staying off-site. The price for day visitors is £20 per day, with a maximum of £80 for the whole weekend.
Day visitors do not have to be members of the Camping and Caravanning Club.
If you prefer not to or are unable to book on-line then contact us and we can provide you with a paper copy of the booking form to fill in. A copy of the booking forms will also be included in the February 2025 issue of the Folk Group Newsletter.
If you have any questions about booking then please contact us by email at or by phone on 07469 065543.
Find out more about the Camping and Caravanning Club
* There may be a small additional charge for a few of the workshops to cover the cost of materials provided.
** If your booking includes a CCY member aged 18 or over then please contact us before booking.