
Please note: These schedules are provisional and subject to change.

Each day at around 4.30pm after the workshops for the day are finished there will be a Session in the Village Square (weather permitting) or in the pub, open all to join in or just listen.


The main activity every evening is the Ceilidh, running from 7pm to 10.30pm with a different band leader and several different callers each day. It is split into three parts with a mix of dances and styles covering all ages and abilities, interspersed with some performance spots.

Alongside this we have a Folk Club every evening, and in the pub there will be a Session for musicians to join in.

The Craft Café will be open for the Craft Evening Gather, and other evening activities will be a Concert and a Playford Dance.

Family Festival

Included within the Spring Festival are our Family Festival activities. These are suitable for both younger people and adults, and give all ages the opportunity to get involved with a range of folk music, dance and crafts.

Family-friendly activities are highlighted in the programme listings above with **.

Younger people are also welcome at most of the other sessions, but children under 12 will need to be accompanied by an adult.

Craft Café

This will be open every day for a range of craft workshops and drop-in taster sessions.

Activities in the Café will include:

  • Iris Cards
  • Teabag Folding
  • Dorset Buttons
  • Fabric Beads
  • Paper Hedgehogs
  • Violin Repair
  • Giant Dorset Button

The Café will also be home to ‘Knit and Natter‘ and the Clean Craft Gather.

A more detailed programme for the Craft Café will be added here shortly.